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Ph.D. project: The multi-wavelength view of the AGN – star formation relation

I am happy to announce a new position to work on a Ph.D. project at the Sterrewacht Leiden / Leiden University

The multi-wavelength view of the AGN – star formation relation

One of the long-standing questions in astrophysical research is what exactly triggers the onset of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). The aim of this project is (1) to study the nuclear star formation history in a well selected sample of nearby AGNs with exquisite data (VLT/X-SHOOTER spectra) and (2) to participate or lead pioneering efforts to study gas, dust and star formation in the parsec-scale environment of nearby actively accreting super-massive black holes using the upcoming infrared interferometer MATISSE on the VLTI.

Supervisors: Dr. Leonard Burtscher, Prof. Dr. Walter Jaffe

Promoter: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brandl

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