- Stellar populations in the nuclei of ultra hard X-ray selected AGN and matched inactive galaxies (stellar population synthesis in the optical, using X-SHOOTER spectra of the LLAMA AGN+control galaxy sample; with Ric Davies). Status: published
- Constructing an M-sigma relation for the galaxies in the BAT AGN spectroscopic sample. (Ph.D. project, led by Turgay Caglar), project started late 2019, expected to be finished late 2022
- MSc research project Thermal infrared stray light modelling for ELT/METIS with Ioannis Politopoulos, ends 31 Jan 2020, MSc project finished, published in the SPIE 2020 proceedings.
- The first VLTI/MATISSE observations of NGC 1068 (Ph.D. project, led by Violeta Gámez Rosas, co-supervised with Walter Jaffe), Status: published
- BSc research project SINFONI observations of the Circinus galaxy with 李天 (Tian Li), starts Feb 2020, BSc project finished, publication in prep
- The galactic activity, torus and outflow survey (GATOS). A project that has just recently started and is focused on observing local galaxies with state-of-the-art high angular resolution observatories/instruments such as ALMA (proposal accepted) and JWST (GO proposal accepted!).
Please get in contact with me should you be interested in contributing to any of these projects.
Last updated: Nov. 2021